We are now planning to hold a virtual online event - we know it’s not the same but we hope it will be a pleasant way to see a variety of cars from the comfort and safety of your laptop! If you would like to be involved please record a 20-30 second video of your car using your phone (exterior, interior, engine, start up). Videos must be shot in landscape format (phone held horizontally) and no more than 45 seconds long! Please talk about your car, tell us its story and any interesting facts. Upload your video to Dropbox, Googledrive or Youtube and send us the link along with your vehicles registration year, make and model to [email protected]. We would need to receive this no later than 6pm on Friday 9th October.
We will edit the submissions into a 60 minute video featuring everyone’s cars and premiere it on our website on October 24th 2020 at 10am.